In the morning of November 14th , 2020, BrainMark officially activated the BrainBOS® Growth Power model™ to the Vietnamese Business Community at the “Launching Ceremony of BrainBOS® Consulting Services.
In the hall of Capella Convention Center, the event took place with the participation of 100 Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders. At the ceremony, “BrainBOS® Flight Captain” – Master David Tan Nguyen introduced to all of distinguished guests about the BrainBOS ™ Growth Power model ™ – consulting service to create Growth Power ™ from inside for the business, and introducing BrainBOS®’s leading team of experts.
In the joyful atmosphere of the ceremony, BrainMark honored 17 excellent experts who completed the BrainBOS® Expert Certification from BrainMark. From this moment on, experts have the role and mission of a BrainBOS® expert, bringing practical value, knowledge and professional experience in the years of running their business.
BrainBOS® is a strategic product of BrainMark, promising to bring practical consulting solutions, creating new Growth Power ™ for every business in competitive period nowadays.